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How To Access Nutrition for Longevity: 6 Expert Tips

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Longevity, a topic that lately increasingly attracted attention and is omnipresent in life science research, aging medicine, and cosmetics’ industry. But what do we mean by longevity? To escape mortality? Solving the mystery of becoming immortal? Rather not. What longevity research and lifestyle aim at, is prolonging our life-time while maintaining a high quality of life. Living long is only desirable if health, vitality, and well-being are granted. Thus, what we actually strive for when talking about longevity, is prolonging our healthspan. Nutrition for longevity is a central aspect when it comes to tailoring your lifestyle to promote longevity.

Science paves the way to longevity nutrition

The sum of dietary nutrients we supply our body with is key in determining our overall health and the duration for which our body remains robust and fully functional. Scientific research has provided substantial evidence supporting the idea that certain lifestyle choices can positively impact longevity. For instance, calorie restriction and reducing alcohol consumption have been shown to have potential benefits in this regard. Additionally, emphasizing the consumption of nutrient-dense foods and increasing the intake of lean proteins are practices that can contribute to a longer, healthier life [1].

Moreover, the power of antioxidants found in foods like berries and leafy greens has been well-documented. These antioxidants have the remarkable ability to combat cellular damage and slow down the aging process [2]. Derived from research studies seeking to comprehend the mechanisms driving longevity, science provides us with the knowledge to make informed choices about our nutrition. It empowers us to select foods that nourish our bodies, reduce inflammation, and bolster our immune systems [3]. As research continues to evolve, our understanding of longevity nutrition deepens, allowing us to fine-tune our dietary habits for a healthier and longer life [4]. Science is the compass that points us toward the path of optimal nutrition, illuminating the way to a future where longevity and well-being go hand in hand.

Today for tomorrow: applied longevity nutrition

The busy lifestyle most of us face day by day, being constantly on the go, having business lunches, dinner invitations or traveling the world, makes it challenging to maintain a healthy, longevity-oriented diet. Eating out or ordering food online belongs to the daily routine for many of us. Yet, awareness for making conscious food choices often gets lost when we don’t prepare our meals ourselves and eat in a rush. Then, we also tend to overeat easily. Mindful eating has developed as a sustainable approach to counteract unhealthy eating behavior [5]. Also, reducing stress by following a mindful lifestyle in general is beneficial for longevity and contributes to prolonging our healthspan [6].

To keep up your longevity diet even when the situation isn't fully controllable, we provide six science-based expert tips on how to access nutrition for longevity in this article. Implementation of these practical suggestions in your everyday life enables you to make healthier food choices that facilitate longevity and are as flexible as your lifestyle requires. Take action today, for your health and wellbeing tomorrow.

Tip #1 - Mindful Food Choices

Scope Out the Menu: When dining out or grabbing a snack on the go, take a few minutes to consciously read the menu. Look for keywords like "grilled," "baked," or "steamed," which indicate healthier cooking methods than “fried” or “deep-fried”. Opt for dishes rich in lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains.

Mind the Portion Size: Restaurant servings are often larger than what you need. To avoid overeating and food waste, order a small portion or share a dish with a friend. Alternatively, bring a reusable box or ask for a to-go box right away.

Consider your Drink: Choose water or herbal tea over sugar-containing sodas. Minimize your alcohol intake and go for a small glass of wine over a high-caloric cocktail.

Tip #2 - A Balanced Plate is Key

Half Your Plate with Veggies: Whether you're eating at home or out, aim to fill at least half of your plate with colorful, non-starchy vegetables. They're packed with essential nutrients and low in calories.

Include Lean Protein: Incorporate lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, tofu, or legumes (e.g. peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupines) to help maintain muscle mass.

Choose Whole Grains: Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat pasta to provide sustained energy and fiber for digestive health.

Tip #3 - Plan and Prepare Meals for Longevity

Plan Ahead: Set aside some time each week for meal planning. Create a weekly menu that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods to support your long-term health goals.

Prep in Advance: Prepare ingredients and meals in advance to make it easier to stick to your healthy eating plan, even on busy days. Prepped meals are ideal to maintain your healthy longevity diet when having lunch at the office or while traveling.

Tip #4 - Healthy Eating Out Options

Research Restaurants: Before heading out, research restaurants in your area that offer healthy options. Look for those with nutrition information available online and think ahead to avoid overhasty decisions not in line with your health goals.

Customize Your Order: Don't be afraid to customize your order to make it healthier. In most restaurants, it’s possible to exchange sides, ask for salad dressings on the side, or have other adjustments realized that are more in line with your longevity diet than the ones offered.

Tip #5 - Practice Mindful Eating

Eat Without Distractions: Avoid eating in front of the TV or computer, while scrolling on your phone, or while getting ready to leave the house. Instead, savor your meal at the table, focusing on the flavors and textures, and assign eating-time as precious “me-time” or “social interaction time”.

Eat with Enough Time: It takes about 20 Minutes for the stomach to signal fullness. If you eat in a rush, you likely overeat.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Stop eating when you're satisfied, not when your plate is empty and keep leftovers for the next meal.

Tip #6 - Indulge in Moderation

Treat Yourself Occasionally: Longevity isn't about deprivation. It's perfectly fine to enjoy your favorite treats from time to time. Just remember, moderation is key.

Find Healthier Alternatives: Seek out healthier versions of your favorite indulgences. For example, opt for dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate or frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.

On your journey towards optimizing your nutrition for longevity, don't forget to leverage technology as a helpful tool. If you want to benefit from real-time personalized recommendations on what to choose from a menu to facilitate longevity, Nuuro is the app you need. If there’s a menu, there is Nuuro. It’s as simple as that. Download Nuuro now and take action for tomorrow’s health today.


[1] Longo, V.D. & Anderson, R.M. Nutrition, longevity and disease: From molecular mechanisms to interventions. Cell 158, 1458-1470 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.002.

[2] Meccariello, R. & D’Angelo, S. Impact of polyphenolic-food on longevity: An elixir of life. An overview. Antioxidants 10(507), 1-26(2021). doi:10.3390/antiox10040507

[4] Rattan, S.I.S. & Kaur, G. Nutrition, Food and Diet in Health and Longevity: We Eat What We Are. Nutrients 14(24), 5376 (2022). doi: 10.3390/nu14245376.

[5] Nelson, J.B. Mindful Eating: The Art of Presence While You Eat. Diabetes Spectr. 30(3), 171-174 (2017). doi: 10.2337/ds17-0015.

[6] Sharma, M. & Rush S.E. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Stress Management Intervention for Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 19(4), 271-286 (2014). doi:10.1177/2156587214543143.



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